A non-profit organization in advancing quality and equity in education for people worldwide by creating assessments based on rigorous research. ETS provides testing services of TOEFL iBT, TOEFL ITP, TOEFL Junior, TOEFL Primary, TOEIC, TOEIC Bridge, TOEIC Speaking and Writing… and learning solutions such as ED (English Discoveries), TPO (TOEFL Practice Online), TOEIC OLPC (TOEIC Official Learning and Preparation Course), ELC (English Learning Center), TOEFL Junior Learning Course, TOEFL Primary Learning Course, Criterion…
One of the largest organizations offering individuals current and relevant digital skills and credentials for the competitive global workforce, such as MOS, IC3, ACA, MTA, and more.
The global leader in developing tutor led language teaching software and language labs for the educational sector.
A global non-profit organization providing admission and achievement assessment as well as instructional services for Pre K – Grade 12.
An immigration-neutral non-profit organization, globally recognized as an authority on credentials evaluation of the education, registration and licensure of nurses, health care and other professionals worldwide.